الجمعة، 30 مارس 2012

Information Systems and the Modern Organization

Types of Information Systems:
Computer-based information systems (CBIS) use computer technology to perform some or all of their tasks and are composed of:
Hardware is a device such as a processor, monitor, keyboard or printer.
Software is a program or collection of programs that enable hardware to process data.
Database is a collection of related files or tables containing data.
Network is a connecting system (wireline or wireless) that permits different computers to share resources.
Procedures are the set of instructions about how to combine the above components in order to process information and generate the desired output.
People are those individuals who use the hardware and software, interface with it, or uses its output.

Information Systems Inside the Organization

Breadth of Support of Information Systems:
nFunctional area information systems
nEnterprise resource planning systems
nTransaction processing systems
nInterorganizational information systems
Information Systems Support for Organization Employees :
nOffice automation systems
nFunctional area information systems
nBusiness intelligence systems
nExpert Systems
Why are Information Systems Important to Organizations &
nIT will reduce the number of middle managers.
nIT will change the manager’s job.
nIT impacts employees at work.
nIT provides quality-of-life improvements.

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