الجمعة، 30 مارس 2012

Information Systems: Ethics, Privacy and Information Security

Ethical Issues(ethics-code of ethics):
Ethics. A branch of philosophy that deals with what is considered to be right  and wrong.
A Code of Ethics is a collection of principles that are intended to guide decision making by members of an organization.

Fundamental Tenets of Ethics :
Responsibility means that you accept the consequences of your decisions and actions.
Accountability means a determination of who is responsible for actions that were taken.
Liability is a legal concept meaning that individuals have the right to recover the damages done to them by other individuals, organizations, or systems.

The Four Categories of Ethical Issues :
Privacy Issues involve collecting, storing and disseminating information about individuals.
Accuracy Issues involve the authenticity, fidelity and accuracy of information that is collected and processed.
Property Issues involve the ownership and value of information.
Accessibility Issues revolve around who should have access to information and whether they should have to pay for this access.

Factors Increasing the Threats to Information Security :
nToday’s interconnected, interdependent, wirelessly-networked business environment
n Government legislation
n Smaller, faster, cheaper computers and storage devices

n Decreasing skills necessary to be a computer hacker
Security Threats

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