الجمعة، 30 مارس 2012

The Modern Organization Functioning in a Global Environment

     A business process is a collection of related activities that produce a product
or a service of value to the organization, its business partners, and/or its customers.
     Business process management is a management technique that includes methods and
tools to support the design, analysis, implementation, management, and optimization
of business processes. 

 Information system:

Data Item. Elementary description of things, events, activities and transactions that are recorded, classified and stored but are not organized to convey any specific meaning.
Information. Data organized so that they have meaning and value to the recipient.
Knowledge. Data and/or information organized and processed to convey understanding, experience, accumulated learning and expertise as they apply to a current problem or activity. 

Tow types of information technology:
Information Technology Architecture. A high-level map or plan of the information assets in an organization, which guides current operations and is a blueprint for future directions.
Information Technology Infrastructure. The physical facilities, IT components, IT services and IT management that support an entire organization.
Organizational Responses:
Strategic Systems provide advantages that enable organizations to increase market share and/or profits, to better negotiate with suppliers, or prevent competitors from entering their markets.
Customer Focus is the difference between attracting and keeping customers by providing superb customer service to losing them to competitors.
Make-to-Order is a strategy of producing customized products and services.
Mass Customization is producing a large quantity of items, but customizing them to fit the desire of each customer. 
     Reebok and Bodymetrics provide excellent examples of mass customization.
E-business and E-commerce: Buying and selling products and services electronically.
     E-business is a broader concept than e-commerce.

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