الثلاثاء، 8 مايو 2012

Network Applications, Web 2.0, Distance Learning, and Telecommuting

Network Applications
nWeb services
Interesting Search Engines
Urban lifestyle guide will help you find a Thai restaurant in New York or a night spot in Mumbai
  Metasearch tool that lets you search large media sites as well as social search engines
Portal is a Web-based, personalized gateway to information and knowledge that provides
     relevant information from different IT systems and the Internet using advanced search and
     indexing techniques.
Commercial (public) portals offer content for diverse communities and are the most popular portals
     on the Internet.
Affinity portals support communities such as a hobby group or a political party.
Mobile portals are accessible from mobile devices.
Corporate portals offer a personalized single point of access through a Web browser.
Industrywide portals are for entire industries.

Electronic mail (e-mail) is the largest-volume application running on the Internet.
Web-based call centers (customer call center) are services that provide effective personalize customer contact as an imporant part of Web-based customer support.
Electronic chat room is a virtual meeting place where groups of regulars come to “gab”.

Virtual collaboration is the use of digital technologies that enable organizations or individuals to collaboratively plan, design, develop, manage and research products, services and innovative applications.
Workflow technologies facilitate the movement of information as it flows through the sequence of steps that make up an organization’s work procedures. Includes workflow management and workflow systems.
Groupware refers to software products that support groups of people who share a common task or goal and who collaborate to accomplish it.
Teleconferencing is the use of electronic communication that allows two or more people at different locations to hold a simultaneous conference.
Videoconference is when participants in one location can see participants at other locations and share data, voice, pictures, graphics and animation by electronic means.
Web conferencing is videoconferencing conducted over the Internet.
Real-time collaboration tools support synchronous communication of graphical and text-based information i.e. computer-based whiteboards.

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